September 30th 2017 Saint-Lô. Normandie.France : free nuclear march for stopping french new generation nuclear plant EPR France's got 58 nuclear reactors and 15 over 35 years. Instead of changing energy France is not closing them, and tries to sell new nuclear plants to the world. After Tchernobyl and Fukushima it is a nonsense to keep on tacking risks. We don't even know what to do with the nuclear garbage. The brand new project Cigéo is to put them underground, a poisened present for the next generations.                                        October 13th 2012. Laval. France. Stop EPR                       France, Rhône Valley, march 13th 2012, 60 000 persons marched together, the biggest gathering ever against nuclear energy and the media didn't even talked about it ! But again, who owns the media today ?               February 11th 2012, FUKUCHINON in front of Chinon nuclear plant, one of the oldest in France, Loire Valley, just after Fukushima catastrophy        July 2012 on Rêve de l'aborigène fest, activist came to talk about the nuclear garbage left on native territories as Aborigen in Australia or oppressed population as tibetain, or in central asia  April 3nd 2012. François Holland meeting running for France presidency. We weren't alowed to get closer and have him seen our sign asking to close the oldest nuclear plants in France. He actually didn't when i came to be Pesident of France for 5 years. The same question remains, who will ?    April 26th 2012. TCHERNOVILLE march for a sad anniversary celebrated in Tours France   The 2 runners for presidency were pro-nuclear, too bad for the majority a french people who would agree on using a different power and switch to substainable energies                        Here i was may 1th 2012 for the day of labor with wings Exit Nuclear Energy. In terms of work, we need people to put down the existed nuclear plants and we also need people working to provide all types of healphy energies available. Thanks for your comitment.